The ConsciousLifeDesign-Retreats are known for their holistic approach and transformation on all levels of your being.
As you retreat for a week from your regular circumstances and take time for yourself, you will get access and reconnect to your inner guidance, power and clarity.
To surround yourself with likeminded people is of course also an important part of it.
We will meditate, practice Yoga/Ecstatic Dance/movement practices, learn about Ayurveda, nervous system regulation, reactivate our senses in order to reconnect with our intuition, train authentic communication, overcome limiting believes, celebrate breakthrough moments, nourish ourselves with healthy food and beautiful nature and so much more!
You´d like to be informed when the next retreat will take place?
Then click on this button and get your welcome gift as well:
For my German speaking friends: Es gibt zukünftig auch wieder die Möglichkeit, ConsciousLifeDesign-Retreats mit mir auf Sri Lanka zu verbringen.
Für meinen Kooperationspartner “NEUE WEGE Seminare und Reisen GmbH”, dem führenden Reiseanbieter im Bereich Yoga/Ayurveda, werde ich wieder die Leitung für weitere Retreats übernehmen mit mehreren praktischen Stunden inklusive theoretischem Input pro Tag.
Sollten die Termine feststehen, findest Du nähere Informationen dazu hier:
You would like to organise a retreat for your team with myself?
Feel free and very welcome to reach out for more detailed information and booking or collaboration inquiries. I´m looking forward!