In this retreat you will get the chance to dive deep into yourself through silence and conscious movement connecting with the part of you that doesn´t change. Through that, you prepare yourself for unleashing your creativity and showing up with your special gift:

*Maybe you have a deep longing to share what you love with the world and still shy away from opportunity – now is the time for change!
*Maybe you always wanted to perform music in front of a group, host an embodiment practice session or lead an empowerment or selfrealisation workshop – this is your chance!
*Maybe you already host workshops & seminars, but you want to expand into a new topic – go for it now!

You get a bunch of conscious participants who are pumped to get your guidance.
Become the creator amongst other creators and explore being a guide/mentor/host in a safe container instead of being a consuming participant. Start shining your unique light!

All this while nourishing yourself through living with a fantastic intimate group of people in a beautiful environment, the abundant nature and healthy vibrant vegan food.

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