Gratitude is nothing you do. It is a natural state of being. It is very similar to love. Unconditional love. And unconditional love doesn´t separate.
Love is.
Are you using gratitude as a tool to escape your current state of being?
Are you just hoping to “law-of-attract” and achieve something through a structured gratitude journal?
Is your gratitude a robotic routine or a fresh and vibrant, natural, heartfelt and embodied expression of truth?
Are you really in peace and gratitude with “what is”?
“The universe” (which is you) does not make any mistake. Everything is here (or not here) for a reason. Every flower you smell, every disease you feel, every birth, every death in this dimension. Everything is here to crack your heart open.
Nearly daily I´m touched to tears by the intensity of gratitude and appreciation I experience just by observing my surroundings. Just by being aware of the beauty around and also by being aware of all the lessons humanity is facing these days.
Gratitude is instant, when you zoom out. Gratitude is instant, when you expand.
Gratitude is nothing you do. It is a natural state of being. It is very similar to love. Unconditional love. And unconditional love doesn´t separate.
Love is.